原先 SounDoer 做的声音设计资讯分享已经停更许久,所有历史内容早已从网站上撤下,微信公众号也已彻底注销了。对我个人来说,这些内容的价值已经越来越少了;同时,作为一个有“洁癖”的内容创作者,我有点难以忍受这些我已经觉得不够好的东西还能被大家看到。
但是,仍有朋友时不时地问起哪里还能看到这些内容,说其中有一些原创文章还是挺有价值的。既然如此,那我还是调整一下自己纠结的心态,让这些所谓的 Legacy 安静地留在这个小角落里,尚存一丝被发现的可能吧。
共计 721 条篇目,以 html 的格式导出,内含所有文字、图片和来源链接。附上网盘下载链接:
Google Drive
Tecent Weiyun


网站停更至今已经快有三年了,确实是荒废了。停更之后拍起了 Vlog,挺好玩的,自己之前积累的摄影摄像后期制作什么的技能又都派上了用场,向着“成为大龄网红”的目标又前进了一点点。


那么,“学习、积累、沉淀、分享”的初衷就没意义了吗?当然不是。 我在想,到底什么样的内容才具有更长久深远的价值?嗯,还真有。


Hello everyone,
It has been more than one year since I start SounDoer last year. I have read and watched many inspiring articles and videos, then translated and shared them in Chinese audio communities, which makes me getting a more comprehensive understanding of sound and audio. What’s more, I made acquaintance with many experienced experts who I have learned a lot from.
The first two things I want to talk about, which are also the most important things I concern, are Thanks and Apologies. Thanks all the original authors for sharing their works, thoughts and experiences on Internet! Apologies for translating and reposting some contents without permission, especially videos. Because of The Great Firewall of China, YouTube, Vimeo and many other websites have been blocked. So I downloaded and reuploaded them to Chinese video platforms. For some reasons, I did not (having no time) or could not (having no reply) make contacts with all authors. In this case, I always make sure to add the original links and necessary informations into every posts. If you have any problem with your works which are posted on SounDoer, please contact me at anytime.
In future, SounDoer will continually gather, learn and share more informations on sound design for films, games, multimedia, and anything interesting about sound. Personally, I will go deeper into two fields: one is sound effects design, in methods of recording, synthesis and other creative ways; another is interactive audio for multimedia, such as procedural audio and virtual reality audio. And one of my biggest goals, which is still the same as what I said last year, is organizing a China Sound Designer Conference one day.
At last, thanks everyone and welcome to contact me. Really looking forward to your ideas!


SounDoer 怎么来的?
Do Sound(搞声音)的人就叫做 SounDoer 吧。我的初衷是把 SounDoer 作为自己在声音设计方面学习、积累、沉淀、分享的平台。
SounDoer 关注什么? 当然是声音设计(Sound Design)啦!声音设计是一个大概念,而 SounDoer(也是我个人今后想要深造的方向)主要关注的是影视(声音设计中相当成熟化的产业)、游戏(目前国内正在兴起,今后市场需求巨大)、交互媒体(比如虚拟现实、装置艺术等)等方面的声音设计内容。
SounDoer 想做什么? 除了编译和发布国内外声音设计相关资讯,SounDoer 之后会做一些其他方面的尝试:访谈,拜访国内外声音行业相关人士;线下聚会,地区性的分享交流讨论会;项目发起,一些周期不定范围不限的声音实验……
希望若干年后,SounDoer 有能力组织一场 CSDC(China Sound Designer Conference)。
